Goodbye Summer

Summer is starting to end. It's getting less hot and the Celebration of Lights are over =(
That means... school starts in less than a month

But onto matters more superficial
At English Bay I spotted the same look at least 5 times over
It isn't ground breaking
and in my high opinion, you look like a pretentious idiot trying too hard to fit into an online community's version of what is "rad"

Tucking a tank top into an AA high waisted shapeless baggy skirt with pocket
(bonus points if it's a floral skirt)


bowler hat or any hat you bought at Urban Outfitters


Gladiator sandals

All of the above items were found somewhere in Urban Outfitters. DUH

*Bonus Hipster points if you wear non prescription lens and you carry a faux-leather/vintage-inspired cross-body bag
I would add Wayfarers but that's way too obvious and I have to admit they look damn good on anyon

This look needs to die
I have been bombarded with it
Please, all girls out there, please stop "rocking" this outfit
It is a cookie-cutter outfit being sold to you and by wearing it, you're not really showing whatever "personality" or "style" you have aside from the one assigned to you a mass-marketed subculture look.

Feast your eyes on this collage brought to you by Blue is in Fashion this Year (and yes I like this blog so please click on it)

I get that people like to go on lookbook and fashion blogs to find inspiration
but this look isn't getting too much
Hopefully as fall comes in, girls will put it away and find something better to wear

in which the lightbulbs explode

I like what I'm seeing
because it would explain this

(Momcorp is OWNING the OTK boots)

Can you imagine the conversation that would take place
if those two men got together in the same room?
If they ever get into an argument
they must settle it with a staring contest

it has been decided.


luxirare's Chanel lightbulb shoes

Farnsworth would approve
providing he would get to name it something
like heelsbeammometer

when feeling like shit find a pair of shoes
on sale

*Georgina Goodman here

what a pest..amist

I liked to think that people
aren't judgmental
and willing to shut a person down
just because of one thing

but that's not true

A girl contacts me on craigslist to buy something
I say sure
but I can only meet up in a certain area area
Sure I could have compromised but in all honesty, I don't want to take the bus for 1 hour just to meet up with a stranger
especially if there are other buyers interested
When she suggests that I should let her know if I want to find a place for both of us or just to sell to the next person, I do just that
I tell her I'd rather let the next person of interest get it.
To which she responds
thanks for wasting my time

And this makes me think
of the whole power-dynamic struggle over whose time is more valuable
and what jumped up her anal canal to response so rudely
yes I suppose it was a "waste" of time
but seriously?
Was that necessary

To which I responded by deleting all her emails and putting her address on a block list
no need to get a surprise virus

And that
is a problem
where we think just because they're strangers
we can act as though they are of a lesser person
of a lesser being

and I use we
because that's me in there
right along with the rest of us
who have a shitty ass time trying to be nice to people
when they're too busy being assholes to the rest of us

I really hate university right now
I hate living on residence

Just nothing makes me happy anymore?

So this is the new year And I don't feel any different

I just used some Death Cab lyrics as a title
but honestly, that is how I feel every single year with New Years
must be because I don't celebrate it the same way as everyone else
which involves
copious amounts of liquor
drunken people
and lots and lots of sequins

In other words I have no life
and that is the sad realization I have every single effin New Years.
Hence, these are the sole reason (no pun intended honestly)

Pierre Hardy, $hahaha-what-discount found here

Ahhhh Pierre Hardy
but even at 50%
I would still have to commit some kind of felony to have you
Not to mention I liquidated my accounts for my education today

To me
New Years is NOT a new start

you can't escape your past
you can try and put it behind you
but you had to start somewhere
and that is where you will always be grounded